The reign of Akhenaten, for a period of seventeen years (1375 BC to
1358 before of birth) stands out as the most important era in the relay, the long history of Egyptian.

Akhenaten claims that he (the first man has faith inthe doctrine of monotheism), and this means thatAkhenaten was the first human to each of the founding tenets of religious.
Akhenaten claims that he (the first man has faith inthe doctrine of monotheism), and this means thatAkhenaten was the first human to each of the founding tenets of religious.
Given the level of talent is the world's firstAkhenaten orientation towards the ideal
, where in the area of research regarding the ancient Near East did not exist never - and probably will We have never - to find the Study ofthought the logical conscious such a revolutionbelief of this pharaoh, who put the first brick in the study of human thought, progressive and deservesto undermine the wisdom of Short interest in the great
Commission issued exploration in Egypt, a series of folders where there is a statement inscriptionsprominent and writings on the walls of the graves ofsome pupils and followers of Akhenaton, and in1893 by Professor Flandr Petri work excavations at the site of the city founded by the pharaoh and the dissemination of Flandr Petri results of its work in a folder titled (Tel el-Amarna).
Shortly after the end of World War II, the Germans make some of the value of the excavations in the city of Akhenaten and discovered the art of sculptorroom and found the great works of art are now in Berlin.
I have changed many of the conclusions made in earlier studies of this discovery, and those who traveled to Egypt is likely - the discovery of the bones of Akhenaten himself - which showed us how he when he died, and he knew it was thirty years that they visited the site of the city of Akhenaten, near the village a new name (Tel el-Amarna) and can be seen some stuff to the custody of the archaeological museums in Cairo, London and Paris
During the early years of this century, a series of discoveries of non-regular job in the Valley of Tombs of the Kings at Thebes.
In 1903 discovered the tomb (Tutmos IV) very Ahnatun in terms of his father, and found in the 1905 tomb (Yuaa) and (Tuau) the grand mother Akhenaten in terms of nation, and in 1907 discovered the body of Akhenaten in the grave of his mother Queen "Tiy", and went out to the light in 1908 Pharaoh's tomb "Horemheb", one of the following directly .